01 Jun Joseph Marioni
Joseph Marioni
born 1943 in Cincinnati, Ohio – died 06.09.2024 in New York City

1970 is the point at which he found his identity as a painter and his work became independent of his student work.
There are more than 60 paintings in public collections in the United States and Europe and approximately 560 paintings in private collections in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia. The Painter owns representative
examples of his own work.
The Painter is the recipient of:
Berwanger Award, presented in 1997 by
by His Grace Clarence Rufus J. Rivers, Ph.D.
Doctor of Fine Arts Honorary, presented in 2010 by
the Art Academy of Cincinnati
Zitat Joseph Marioni:
“I want the color to embrace you”
(Ich möchte, daß die Farbe dich umarmt)
Marioni begann am Ende der sechziger Yeare in der Nachfolge des Abstrakten Expressionismus und zur Zeit von Minimal- und Concept-Art damit, die flüssige
Acrylfarbe mit der Farbrolle onzutragen und sie weitgehend unkontrolliert über die Leinwand fließen zu lassen. Er war in den siebziger und achtziger Yearen
einer der Wortführer der “Radikalen Malerei” und stand im Mittelpunkt dieser Gruppe mit ihren geographischen Zentren in New York und Köln.